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My name is Valerie
and I’m elated to be a
LuLaRoe retailer!

Growing up I never felt comfortable in the clothes I had, I was always on the higher end of the scale and my mom was no help.  My solution?!  Thrift stores!  I grabbed pattern after pattern, colors, textures, JOY!  I played with my wardrobe and let the patterns distract from my not-so-hidden weight.  Still, I looked GOOD!

After college I started teaching, and I had to retire my 70’s prints and punk-rock tees for kackis and a Banana Republic top.  Enter. Feeling. Blah.  I loved teaching – loved it!  But finding clothes that were professional and practical often meant they were unflattering or swallowed me whole (and no pockets – I had to carry pen, promethean pen, post-its, slate, calling sticks all around the class!).I went on

The Kunins


My amazing husband and two sons help make this journey with LuLaRoe all the more magical!

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It inspired me to take better care of myself, it inspired me to share my love of LuLaRoe and how these wonder-dresses truly make me, and others, feel like Wonder Woman!  It then inspired those I shared with to join me on our mission, and we formed Team Sparkle Twirl & Flourish!!  As the Coach of Sparkle Twirl & Flourish, it is unreal how my team has grown to over a thousand women & men who share our vision – to help EVERY woman feel confident and amazing as she truly is!  After awhile, I saw how LuLaRoe was changing our family’s life – we could take more trips together, spend more quality time together, and my friends & family around also saw a more confident & happy Valerie emerge. 


Selling LuLaRoe has been incredibly profitable.  Also, I’ve been so blessed by these trainer & coach checks, we’ve been able to DREAM for the first time.  We’ve been able to go from our 970 sq ft home, to a 3,500 sq ft home!  Our boys have so much room to PLAY, I have space to cook & have a gorgeous in-home boutique, and our family has the space to make memories.  We have been able to do so much more for our sons, and blessed to help many more achieve their dreams!
As a teacher, I felt the responsibility to educate all children to my best capability.  After two kids, my responsibility has shifted to take care of their needs as #1, which means being the best mommy I can be.  I have resigned from my teaching career of 10 years – where I was in the top 2% of teachers in the nation as a National Board Certified Teacher – and consultant for the National Board and top universities such as University of Maryland & Stanford.  It is with great joy to say LuLaRoe allows me the flexibility to be the best mommy I can be.  Joining LuLaRoe was the best decision I ever made.

 long-term maternity leave to take care of my second-born, and to take care of my PPA/D.  While on maternity leave, I found direct sales and put my heart & passion there, and I was successful!  Later I was invited to a LuLaRoe online party, and **immediately** I could see – a product that ***I*** needed.  I saw women that looked like me – that weren’t shopping from that store ‘4-6-8’ – and that the clothes didn’t just cover the ladies, but they made the women SPARKLE & GLOW.  So I tried on the Nicole dress and it was like my fairy godmother was in front of me – I twirled – and KNEW!  Women deserve to feel like this – whether size 2 or 22!  I felt beautiful for who I was, and hey – I could ROCK a pattern that spoke to me – and it didn’t matter I hadn’t lost my baby weight – but it INSPIRED ME to! 

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